Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Metal Detecting Service 0434 985 992 has just received a few Metal Detecting call outs for lost rings at Bondi Beach, Coogee Beach, Freshwater Beach and the Parramatta Lake.
Becky was snorkelling in the Black Waters of the Parramatta Lake when she felt her Grandmothers beautiful 18k gold Diamond ring slip from her finger. Becky instantly dove down through all the water weeds and tree branches trying EVERYTHING she can to find her Grandmothers lost ring. After an hour searching Becky was left Devastated as this ring was the ONLY physical thing she has of her Grandmother. Becky was advised by a few local swimmers to contact Michael Oliver from Lost Jewellery Recovery.
After Speaking with Becky on the Phone I drove straight out to Becky on the Parramatta Lake in Sydney, Becky explained how and where she had lost her ring. I told Becky this is not a large search area and I will find your ring BUT it will be difficult as I need to navigate myself through thick water weeds and tree branches. This is going to be an EXCITING and CHALLENGING search. I can't wait to get in the water and start, I setup up my XP Deus ll Metal Detector and Quest X-Pointer Pro Pin Pointer, using my Blu3 Nemo dive system for this search in less than 10 feet of water depth. Getting off the rocks into the water was tricky now I make my decent to the bottom of the lake floor there is a lot of weeds, tree branches and low visibility. After just a few minutes into the metal detecting search I get a good T.ID reading on my metal detector, Reaching out to pick up my Quest X-Pointer Pro metal detector to pin point the target, I then feel Becky's ring at my finger tips reaching into the mud my finger slips into her ring. I make a tight fist securing the ring and make my way to the surface. Becky SCREAMS in relief as her ring on my finger is the first thing Becky spotted, Thank You Michael so much I can't explain how much this ring means to me. After my Grandmother passed away this was the ONLY possession I had left to remember her❤️
You are most welcome Becky, we understand the devastating loss of loved ones and I'm most happy I could help you find your Grandmother beautiful lost ring today.
LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY is also a LOST AND FOUND SERVICE, we have over 10 years of lost property in lock up waiting for owners like Becky to claim❤️💦💍👍